Embody More Love Practice
Benefits for your Body:
Release tension with a focus on opening the neck, shoulders, back, and face
Breathe more! More oxygen and more release of toxins!
Activate all 4 abdominal groups for intelligent core strength
Decompress the spine to increase a fluid range of motion
Activate parasympathetic nervous system to soothe fight, flight, or collapse
Create awareness, tone, and receptivity in the pelvic floor
Benefits for your brain and Emotions:
Slow down sensations and emotions that may lead to fight, flight, collapse, overwhelm, or monkey mind
Feel safe in the body
Distinguish what’s yours and what’s not yours to feel (clear boundaries for sensitive empathic people!)
Feel relaxed and energized simultaneously, the felt sense of presence
Practice an easeful transition between inward presence and social presence
Experience a balance of containment and expansion
Shift from collapse and exhaustion to feeling rooted and “filling up”
Center your mind for clear thoughts worth thinking!
Integrate your sexual energy with your heart
Activate your body’s intelligence to focus on your life purpose
Shift your nervous system from “falling” to “balance,” from fear to trust
Explore “alignment” as a dynamic experience that invites movement (rather than needing stillness to feel aligned)
Identify and commit to an action today that moves your core values and awareness into physical reality