Returning to Gender Transcendence
Years ago I was taking an embryology class with the amazing Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body Mind Centering. I remember her showing us an image of a fetus at 8 weeks with an enormous heart and tiny arms just starting to sprout around it. She passed the photo around the room and asked us to look at how huge the heart is.
She said we start out this way and we spend the rest of our lives trying to return to this state. I’ve never forgotten that image. I found a similar one for this blog.
For years I’ve been teaching pelvis workshops and everytime I show images of genitals I always include this one which shows how all genders start with the same structures. (I love how it’s color coded to make it easy to see the correlations!)
image by Frank Netter
Last night as I experienced my erotic energy moving through my whole being something shifted. I often feel energy move through my pussy and my energetic cock simultaneously. But last night my body “remembered” the experience of being undifferentiated. Just as I remembered being a huge heart with tiny twigs of arms, I had the felt sense of existing before my genitals became “differentiated.” For a moment it felt that everyone, regardless of how we identify now, had some common experience of being a huge heart and having all the seeds of all the genders in our blossoming body as our soul started to inhabit this space that has become us now. Nothing to explain… simply remembering.