I’m a Kid in the Candy Store, and We Are the Candy!
I recently attended a day long conference with the most inspiring creative entrepreneurs. This “Mastermind” event was hosted by Move the Crowd, an entrepreneurial training company dedicated to helping the next generation “stay true, get paid, and do good.”
Now let me tell you that most of the folks in this room are like me, artists, healers, social visionaries, activists… This is not your regular business training crowd. AND let me also say that the presenters and facilitators have been selected because they speak their truth and they are undeniably living in alignment with their soul gifts. To say that my relationship to money has transformed since joining this community, would be an understatement. My relationship to… who I am, my awareness of my soul gifts, and my refinement of how I want to create an impact on the world around me… have transformed.
What moves me the most about this community is the genuine curiosity about who each other are. Now I’ve been teaching naked yoga classes for years. And the level of trust and vulnerability in this room is a whole other level of naked. This is when we show up and share what we dare to care so deeply about, the essence of why we are here. As Barbara Stanny posed the question, “What would give me the greatest pleasure to be remember for?” This is not just a financial revolution happening amongst my peers, this is our new spiritual practice, Barbara says. The room was listening from our core, we knew that the legacy opportunities before us were about to be taken to the next level. My God how we listened. We became so beautiful as we shared our ventures, our challenges, our goals, our feedback and creative suggestions. I felt like a kid in the candy store and we are the candy.
I want to say something about Love. I am more clear than ever that Love moves people and touches people through me. This is why I am here. I am restoring the lineage of dance as a ritual for transformation and community health. I am restoring the lineage of sex as the intersection of body and spirit — that set up this agreement for us to be here — and that can be resourced to deepen our purpose and our passion for it. This is the root of my offerings through LOVE MAKING DANCES.
I have been reflecting on my communities of performing artists and sexuality educators. I am contemplating the 3 stages of financial development that Barbara mentioned:
I’m realizing that these stages are not just about individuals. These stages can also be applied to my communities. I would say that often we have been relating to each other from the Surivival paradigm. I’m visioning deeply what we can offer when we are living with affluence. I’m visioning the performances we will create and the presence we will have with our clients. I am visioning the commitment we will have to each others’ success, the time we will invest in getting to truly know each other, and the creativity that will abound in our curriculum.
It’s time.
Thank you Rha Goddess for creating Move the Crowd. Thank you for showing me a template for community with deep inner resources and such love.
I’m noticing that the women in my Sacred Woman Alchemy program are shifting. What started as a personal journey about self care has evolved into a converesation about how we want to share and direct this life force energy we are cultivating. I trust this process so deeply.
I am seeing 3 parallel stages:
Survival in the body
Safety in the body
Body as an instrument of life force and creative expression
As we release the impact of trauma on the nervous system and learn how to direct our energy, we are naturally stepping into a generous inquiry about what we are here to contribute.